Saturday, February 22, 2014

Name choices for and in John Prine's songs

Just a minor point but worth giving credit nonetheless.

Besides wonderful lyrics, John Prine also selects such appropriate names for his characters.

Before you find yourself asking huh? -- try the following to make such a statement concrete:

* The song title itself "Donald & Lydia" (in which the lyrics detail Lydia's parents as Virginia and Ray)

These name choices are just perfect for the subject matter. Maybe this is a minor element but hey, "Gustav and Genevieve" would exactly fit nor "Michael and Sally."

Then there is "Please Don't Bury Me" in which Prine sings: "sell my heart to the junk man and give my love to Rose." Just perfect.

Then you have "Sam Stone" which is another fitting choice (and if you don't tear up when this song comes on, well...

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